“SCIENCE IS THE ATTEMPT to make the chaotic diversity of our sense-experience correspond to a logically uniform system of thought. In this system single experiences must be correlated with the theoretic structure in such a way that the resulting coordination is unique and convincing. The sense-experiences are the given subject-matter. But the theory that shall interpret them is man-made. It is the result of an extremely laborious process of adaptation: hypothetical, never completely final, always subject to question and doubt.”
                     – Albert Einstein, The Fundaments of Theoretical Physics, Science, 1940.

I am an assistant professor of economics at the Renmin University of China. My research is in the area of Industrial Organization and Applied Microeconomics. I am also interested in the econometric problems motivated by IO applications.

In a nutshell, I am interested in utilizing micro-level data to estimate economic agents’ preference and technology parameters that rationalize their behaviors, assessing the efficiency of the studied markets, and hopefully proposing an alternative market design to improve market performance. My current research focus on IO applications in financial markets and energy markets. In particular, I am developing empirical auction models to assess corporate takeover process, and building oligopoly models to study energy market competition. I am expanding my research into IO applications in other markets, such as platform competition and regulation.