Topics for Presentation

Student presentation is planned in In weeks 15 - 17. You can choose from the suggested topics below for pre- sentation. Please take the suggested papers as the starting point and supplement institutional and theoretical background in your presentation.

Topic 1: Automobile Lottery v.s. Auction in China

  • Li, S. (2018): “Better Lucky Than Rich? Welfare Analysis of Automobile Licence Allocations in Beijing and Shanghai,” Review of Economic Studies, 85(4), 2389–2428.

Topic 2: Forward Contracting and Vertical Integration

  • Bushnell, J., E. T. Mansur, and C. Saravia (2008): “Vertical Arrangements, Market Structure, and Competition: An Analysis of Restructured US Electricity Markets,” American Economic Review, 98(1), 237–266.
  • Puller, S. L. (2007): “Pricing and Firm Conduct in California’s Deregulated Electricity Market,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 89(1), 75–87.

Topic 3: Subsidizing EVs v.s. Charging Stations

  • Springel, K. (2021): “Network Externality and Subsidy Structure in Two-Sided Markets: Evidence from Electric Vehicle Incentives,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 13(4), 393–432.
  • Li, S., L. Tong, J. Xing, and Y. Zhou (2017): “The market for electric vehicles: Indirect network effects and policy design,” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 4(1), 89–133.

Topic 4: Land Market Auctions in China

  • Cai, H., J. V. Henderson, and Q. Zhang (2013): “China’s Land Market Auctions: Evidence of Corruption?,” RAND Journal of Economics, 44(3), 488–521.
  • Fang, H., Q. Gu, and L. A. Zhou (2019): “The gradients of power: Evidence from the Chinese housing market,” Journal of Public Economics, 176, 32–52.

Topic 5: Marginal Cost of Traffic Congestion in China

  • Yang, J., A.-O. Purevjav, and S. Li (2020): “The Marginal Cost of Traffic Congestion and Road Pricing: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Beijing,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 12(1), 418–453.

Topic 6: Imperfect Monitoring and Regulatory Costs of Enforcement

  • Kang, K., and B. S. Silveira (2021): “Understanding disparities in punishment: Regulator preferences and expertise,” Journal of Political Economy, 129(10), 2947–2992.