Course Material

This course is mainly based on the reading of research papers. In order to comprehend an empirical IO paper, we would need knowledge on IO theory and econometrics. Useful resources are

IO (and Game) Theory

  • Handbook of Industrial Organization, Vol. 1 – 5.
  • Tirole, J. (1988): The Theory of Industrial Organization. MIT Press.
  • Belleflamme, P., Peitz, M. (2016): Industrial Organization Markets and Strategies. Cambridge University Press.
  • Vives, X. (2009): Oligopoly Pricing: Old Ideas and New Tools. MIT Press.
  • Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green (1997): Microeconomic Theory. Oxford University Press.
  • Krishna.V (2010): Auction Theory, 2nd ed. Academic Press.

Econometrics for empirical IO

  • Handbook of Industrial Organization, Vol. 1 – 5.
  • Aguirregabiria, V. (2019): Empirical Industrial Organization: Models, Methods, and Applications.
  • Paarsch, H.J., Hong, H. (2006): An Introduction to the Structural Econometrics of Auction Data. MIT Press.
  • Train, K. (2009): Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press.
  • Cameron, A. C., and P. K. Trivedi. (2005): Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications, Cambridge University Press.