Course Information

Contact Information

Instructor: Ying Zheng

Class Information

Class Hours: Monday 6 - 8:30pm
Class Location: Lide Building 0504
Credit Hours: 3/51


  • Official syllabus(pdf)
  • 教学大纲(pdf)


Graduate-level coursework on microeconomics and econometrics is required, preferable with some knowledge on game theory. If you have not taken these courses, please obtain consent of the instructor to enroll.


The final evaluation will base on the class participation, including discussion (20%) and presentations (30%) and a replication of classical papers (50%).


Depending on the size of final enrollment and class schedule, each student (or group of students) will be required to present 1 − 2 research papers. Each presentation should last for 60 minutes including questions and responses. The presentation should

  • summarize the paper;
  • locate the paper’s contributions in the literature;
  • discuss weaknesses of the paper;
  • make suggestions for further research.


For each student (or group of students), I will assign a classical paper to replicate using R / Python. You may use another programming language if you wish, but I expect that will be more difficult. You may also find the paper of your interest to replicate, but it has to involve structural estimation and you should discuss your choice of paper(s) with me. Eventually, you need submit a summarized draft with code in ONE Jupyter notebook file.

  • 30% for the code and the generated results (tables and graphs): integrity and clarity;
  • 20% for the summary.